Kier Management - Jacob Ethridge Parole Hearing / Kier Property Management Video Clips. Duration : 2.23 Mins.
Awww... After only 3-short years in jail, Jacob Ethridge wants to be released... I wonder what the 2 women that this monster slaughtered would think about that? On the night of these murders, Jacob Ethridge was reportedly hanging out and doing drugs with Michael Jones, the tenant that Kier had rented unit #6 to. One of the victims, Teresa Tingy, had been living with the tenant/prostitute in unit #2, that Kier had been renting to for over 17 years, and who was finally arrested at the building nearly a year later, for soliciting sex from an under cover police officer. So much for Kier's ability to provide adequate tenant screening or supervision. Had Kier Property Management actually done the job that they were contracted to do, Teresa Tingy would not have been living in unit #2, and would most likely be alive today.
Tags: Utah Salt Lake City, Kier Management, Kier Property Management, Kier Corporation